

傳播真相 回歸傳統

鶴子のお茶旅Tsuruko’s Tea Journey 鹤子的茶之旅

2 min read
Tsuruko Hanzawa is a rare “catering chef” of tea ceremonies. At 70, she loaded her pots, pans, and tools for making tea onto a van and set off in her kimono, serving food using local ingredients and tea to the people she meets along the way. This documentary follows Tsuruko for two years as she battles illness to continue her pilgrimage. 70歲時,她把她的鍋碗瓢盆和泡茶工具裝上一輛面包車,穿著和服出發,用當地的食材和茶為沿途遇到的人提供食物。這部紀錄片跟隨鶴子兩年,她與疾病作鬥爭,繼續她的朝聖之旅。 70歳の彼女は、鍋や茶道具をワゴン車に積み込み、着物姿で旅立ち、道中で出会った人々に地元の食材を使った料理とお茶をふるまう。本作は、病気と闘いながら巡礼を続ける鶴子さんの2年間を追ったドキュメンタリーである。

In one form of the Japanese tea ceremony, the host serves traditional kaiseki cuisine, sake and finally tea to the guests. The ritual, established as an art form more than 4 centuries ago, is believed to be the foundation of Japan’s “omotenashi” hospitality. One woman has decided to embark on a unique nationwide pilgrimage to immerse herself in the art. Tsuruko Hanzawa is a rare “catering chef” of tea ceremonies. At 70, she loaded her pots, pans and tools for making tea onto a van and set off in her kimono, serving food using local ingredients and tea to the people she met along the way. Exploring a life devoted to tea, this documentary follows Tsuruko for 2 years as she battles illness to continue her pilgrimage.


在茶道中,主人向客人提供懷石料理和清酒,最後向客人敬茶,這是四百多年前建立的一種藝術形式,被認為是日本 “好客 “的基礎。 為了讓自己沈浸在這種好客的儀式中,一位女士決定進行一次獨特的全國性旅行。 70歲的半澤鶴子是茶道界少有的 “餐飲師”:她在自己的面包車上裝上鍋和茶具,穿著和服出發,向沿途遇到的人提供用當地食材制作的茶和食物。 這部紀錄片講述了鶴子在與疾病作鬥爭和繼續朝聖的過程中,兩年來致力於茶的生活。

In the Japanese tea ceremony, the host serves traditional kaiseki cuisine, sake, and finally tea to the guests. The ritual, established as an art form more than four centuries ago, is believed to be the foundation of Japan’s omotenashi hospitality. One woman has decided to embark on a unique nationwide pilgrimage to immerse herself in the art.

Tsuruko Hanzawa is a rare “catering chef” of tea ceremonies. At 70, she loaded her pots, pans, and tools for making tea onto a van and set off in her kimono, serving food using local ingredients and tea to the people she meets along the way. This documentary follows Tsuruko for two years as she battles illness to continue her pilgrimage.

在日本的茶道中,主人向客人提供傳統的懷石料理、清酒,最後是茶。這種儀式在四個多世紀前就被確立為一種藝術形式,被認為是日本表裏如一的接待方式的基礎。一位女士決定在全國範圍內進行一次獨特的朝聖之旅,讓自己沈浸在這種藝術中。Tsuruko Hanzawa是一位罕見的茶道 “餐飲主廚”。




鶴子在德國的茶之旅Tsuruko’s Tea Journey in Germany鶴子のドイツ紅茶紀行

Hanzawa Tsuruko is a master of chaji, a tea ceremony that starts with an exquisitely prepared meal and finishes with matcha tea served from the heart. The purpose of this four-hour event is to treasure every encounter in life, knowing that it will never recur. Tsuruko has been traveling around Japan to encounter new people and share chaji with them. Last autumn, at the age of 76, she set off on a tea journey across Germany. The program chronicles her month-long odyssey.




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