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【神韻商店Shen Yun Shop 】Manchurian Elegance Silk Scarf 滿族舞方巾

1 min read
Dress yourself in golds and emeralds of the lavish Qing palace hall! The Qing dynasty was China’s last flourishing dynasty ruled by an ethnic minority called the Manchu. Manchurian court ladies, known for their sense of style, wore characteristic dresses, elaborate headdresses (depicted in the corners of the scarf), and “flowerpot shoes”. Despite wearing those high heels that had no heel at all, this Manchurian princess or“gege” exhibits masterful skills and grace. Meticulous dedication to detail can be found in the dragon reliefs on the pillars and on the throne to show the prosperity of this dynasty. 用豪华的清朝宫殿大厅的金子和绿宝石来装扮自己! 清朝是中国最后一个繁荣的王朝,由一个叫做满族的少数民族统治。满族宫廷女子以其时尚感而闻名,她们穿着有特色的裙子,戴着精致的头饰(在围巾的角落里描绘),穿着 "花盆鞋"。 尽管穿着那些根本没有鞋跟的高跟鞋,这位满洲公主或 "格格 "还是表现出娴熟的技巧和优雅。在柱子上和宝座上的龙形浮雕中可以发现对细节的一丝不苟,显示了这个王朝的繁荣。

高貴的黃金色和深綠的翡翠色,彷彿讓人再次回到 神韻《大清格格》的演出現場:富麗堂皇的蟠龍柱間,滿清格格們腳踩花盤底,頭頂大拉翅,步步生蓮,儀態萬方。 「建極綏猷」(jiàn jí suí yóu)是太和殿上乾隆禦筆親書的牌匾,典出《尚書》,意為天子承擔上對皇天、下撫黎民的神聖使命,唯有遵循天道,才能擔得起江山社稷。
Bringing out the golds and emeralds of the lavish Qing palace, this royal-themed scarf finely captures the poise and grace of the Manchurian palace maidens. Known for their love of fashion, these lovely ladies of the Great Qing Dynasty were most famous for styling ornate dresses with elaborate headdresses as well as walking with ginger footsteps in four-inch-high “flowerpot shoes.”

Dress yourself in golds and emeralds of the lavish Qing palace hall!

The Qing dynasty was China’s last flourishing dynasty ruled by an ethnic minority called the Manchu. Manchurian court ladies, known for their sense of style, wore characteristic dresses, elaborate headdresses (depicted in the corners of the scarf), and “flowerpot shoes”.

Despite wearing those high heels that had no heel at all, this Manchurian princess or“gege” exhibits masterful skills and grace. Meticulous dedication to detail can be found in the dragon reliefs on the pillars and on the throne to show the prosperity of this dynasty.


清朝是中国最后一个繁荣的王朝,由一个叫做满族的少数民族统治。满族宫廷女子以其时尚感而闻名,她们穿着有特色的裙子,戴着精致的头饰(在围巾的角落里描绘),穿着 “花盆鞋”。

尽管穿着那些根本没有鞋跟的高跟鞋,这位满洲公主或 “格格 “还是表现出娴熟的技巧和优雅。在柱子上和宝座上的龙形浮雕中可以发现对细节的一丝不苟,显示了这个王朝的繁荣。

To purchase tickets to Shen Yun, please login購買神韻門票請登錄  https://zh-cn.shenyun.com/




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